DINIT-MONITOR(8) Dinit - service management system DINIT-MONITOR(8)

dinit-monitor - monitor services supervised by Dinit

dinit-monitor [options] {-c command, --command command} service-name [service-name...]

dinit-monitor is a utility to monitor the state of one or more services managed by the dinit daemon. Changes in service state are reported by the execution of the specified command.

Display brief help text and then exit.
Display version and then exit.
Control the system init process (this is the default when run as root). This option determines the default path to the control socket used to communicate with the dinit daemon process (it does not override the -p option).
Control the user init process (this is the default when not run as root). This option determines the default path to the control socket used to communicate with the dinit daemon process (it does not override the -p option).
Issue the specified command additionally for the initial status of the services (when dinit-monitor is started). Without this option, the command is only executed whenever service status changes.
Specify the text used for the substitution of the status in the command (as specified by the --command option) when a service starts.
Specify the text used for the substitution of the status in the command (as specified by the --command option) when a service stops.
Specify the text used for the substitution of the status in the command (as specified by the --command option) when a service fails to start.
Specify the path to the socket used for communicating with the service manager daemon. When not specified, the DINIT_SOCKET_PATH environment variable is read, otherwise Dinit's default values are used.

Execute the specified command when the service status changes. In command, %n will be substituted with the service name and %s will be substituted with a textual description of the new status (started, stopped or failed). A double percent sign (%%) is substituted with a single percent sign character.

The dinit-monitor program will wait until a monitored service changes status, and execute the notification command. When execution of the notification command completes, dinit-monitor will resume monitoring of service status.

The monitoring provided by dinit-monitor is not intended to be used for system-critical purposes. If system load is particularly high, for example, notifications may be skipped.

dinit(8), dinitctl(8).

Dinit, and this manual, were written by Davin McCall.

November 2023 Dinit 0.17.2pre